🍥 Fishcake

Be part of the
food revolution

A digital food market of local cuisines from all over the world.


Discover international food

When someone cooks for you, they are saying something. They are telling you about themselves: Where they come from, who they are, what makes them happy.

Stuffed Peppers (Ardei Umpluţi)

Stuffed Peppers (Ardei Umpluţi)

Romanian Stuffed Peppers uses sweet yellow Hungarian peppers, stuffed with a mixture of ground pork, rice and herbs and slowly cooked in a simple tomato sauce with sour cream. It’s a taste of the old country that is to die for!

Why Fishcake?

Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.


Real local cuisines

The widest range of international cuisines in one digital marketplace. + View cuisines from all over the world on one marketplace.


Better taste

The widest range of international cuisines in one digital marketplace. + View cuisines from all over the world on one marketplace.


On-demand food ordering

Every action is optimized for speed and accessible via keyboard shortcuts. The app is built natively to be fast, lightweight and efficient.


Support your community

Every action is optimized for speed and accessible via keyboard shortcuts. The app is built natively to be fast, lightweight and efficient.

How it works?

Duis massa dui, consectetur non tortor sit amet, imperdiet vehicula neque. Nullam in diam metus. Aenean eget dolor egestas, facilisis dui vel, scelerisque metus.


Become a Fishcake

As a fishcake, you'll make reliable money working anytime.


Become a Croissant

As a croissant, you can find delicious foods, anywhere.


Try the App

Experience great foods in your neighborhood, all in one app.